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Wild Thorn – Rockin N' Rollin (E.P.)
(S/R – 2019)

Rockers from Newcastle-Upon-Tyne who were formed in 2014 by Vocalist, Ash Robertson with the rest of the noisy team made up of Ell Robertson (Drums); Lewis Caudle (Guitar) and Owen Storey (Bass).
They deliver up this raucous, revved-up 5-tracker that is both heavy and sleazy all at the same time with enough brashness to please any wild and untameable drunken crowd. Title track 'Rockin N' Rollin' sets the ball a-rollin whilst 'Too Hot For Hollywood' tells it how it is. Would love to know about their tails of their times in Sweden if the closing song 'Stockholm City' is anything to go on.
Well worth blasting!
By Glenn Milligan
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