When Rivers Meet – We Fly Free
(One Road Records – 2020)

An immensely entertaining blues rock duo comprising of Grace & Aaron Bond from the UK who although lend themselves to the groove and vibes of the deep south have modern sounding influences too.
They immediately make me think of artists like The White Stripes, Royal Blood, Bob Log III, Blues Pills plus some elements of Florence & The Machine. The full band on the album consists of Grace Bond (Vocals/Mandolin/Guitar), Aaron Bond (Vocal/Guitar), Adam Bowers (Bass/Drums/Organ/Piano) and Robin G. Breeze (Bass/Organ/Piano) who will dust the webs off them ole speakers with their delta soaked songs.
Highlights upon highlights on this musical platter are the menus of the day or maybe for the next decade. In fact, this record is pretty much timeless and can sit well anywhere with songs like the opening 'Did I Break The Law' with it's scuzzy ballsy riff and distortive vocal effects; the gutsy duet 'Walking On The Wire' where they ask if you are the fortunate son' or later the slave veined ''Breaker Of Chains'.
Then what about the dobro greatness of the beautiful 'I Will Fight' which reminds me of certain Miss. Welch; the ambient atmospheric 'I'd Have Fallen'; the creepy guitar wailing 'Friend Of Mine' and the closing title track 'We Fly Free' with the close miked piped-up drum sound and dirty loud chorus sections.
It grabbed me straight away and I am convinced it will do the same to you too!
By Glenn Milligan