The Yellow Dog Conspiracy – Confrontation
(S/R – 2017)

A cracking trio from Lisbon who have a style that mixed the guts, balls and power of Buckcherry & Guns 'N' Roses all in one, who funnily enough were Produced by Mike Clink of such fame.
They'd be going strong for 10 years at this point and made up of Vice (Vocals), Luiz Arentes (Lead Guitar) and Nuno Correia (Bass) along with a few other friends putting in their musical and vocal share.
Tons of cool rocking in-ya-face cuts like the opening 'Enough Is Enough'; the poppy follower 'Falling Into You' and later the awesome 'Skinny Little Man' or 'One To Balance' with the marvellous 'Hello My Friend' somewhere in the middle of all that, not forgetting the blistering closer 'Revenge'.
Can't help but like 'em.
By Glenn Milligan