The Moody Blues – Days Of Futures Passed Live
(Eagle Records/Universal Music Group – 2017)

A 2 CD Set that catches the legends live at the Sony Centre for the Performing Arts in Toronto accompanied by a full orchestra and a beautiful sound.
CD 1 has nine well known numbers of theirs that the hardcore fans will love of various parts of the Moody's career with highlights including 'I'm Just A Singer (In A Rock And Roll Band) with John Lodge on vocals (and bass of course) that starts up the proceedings; the 80's romanticness of 'Say It With Love' and a marvellous rendition of 'I Know Your Out There Somewhere'.
Love the part when Justin Hayward (who takes care of guitar too) tells the crowd that the last time they were there was 1968 supporting Canned Heat. He had no complaints apart from the bus being a bit drafty! Lol!
CD2 is the masterpiece itself with both band and orchestra sounding totally glorious with highlights being well all of the classic album! Okay that's too cop out – let's say the opening orchestral only ditty 'The Day Begins' with that snippet of 'Satin'; the up-tempo marching-band like 'Another Morning' with two voices of course.
Then there's the psychedelic brilliance of 'Peak Hour' and 'Tuesday Afternoon (Forever Afternoon)'; the haunting but turns delightfully lovely 'Evening (Time To Get Away)' which is very Beatles to say the least!
Then there's the far-out 'Twilight Time' and of course the song that needs no introduction 'Nights In White Satin' – just how does Mr. Hayward hit those top notes? He hasn't faltered 50 years on one bit – clean living I guess. The crowd even get thanked at the end too as well as their conductor, Elliott Davis and the Toronto World Festival Orchestra.
'Question' and 'Ride My See-Saw' finish the concert perfectly in stand-out late 60's glory! Top Notch! A live set that takes some beating! Oh and taking of beating, Graeme Edge sounds amazing up there on the drum kit too.
By Glenn Milligan