Tank Fullogas – Custom Bike In A Desert
(rec/odds – 2016)

A Dutch quirky kinda act who have a chilled electro-acoustic style that is both relaxing and unnerving at times that is hard to put your finger on what it's like.
Imagine Jack Johnson who had both a good and bad day at the same time and throw in some rock music meets indie-pop. See what I mean? Psychedelia moments both vocally and musically on here too from these two guys going by the name of T-Fog and Garageman – really?
Anyways, settle yourself down as you are in for a long sand filled ride from the opening instrumental 'Jarama'; the Southern Rock-like 'Take Full O' Gas'; the avate-guard meets proggy 'Dr.Rockstar'; the epic 'Seagulls' and closing weird, offputting but also tranquil 'Torn Boots'.
By Glenn Milligan