Shields – Use Protection
(S/R – 2017)

Now this is some funny sh*t right here – straight away Shields put me in mind of acts like Bowling For Soup – also a three piece I may add as well.
They moved from Rhode Island, New York to Austin, Texas to make a difference to their lives and band status Hilarious lad songs all about not getting laid, jacking off, beer and filthyness that has all to do with adolescence. It's a pure joy of humour with every song telling a story that many of can relate to if we are brutally honest about it.
Tons of stand-outs on here that include the opening 'My Roommate (Sucks)'; 'Hard Up'; 'Anytime Anywhere' and 'Sex Rocks'. They've even supported the likes of Jackyl, John 5 and Saliva too. I must see them live – I see a trip to Austin on the horizon.
By Glenn Milligan