Scream Of The Butterfly/Lowdrive/Dead Blonde Stars/Zero Wolf – Corporation, Sheffield, Saturday 17th September, 2022
It's Saturday night and here we go: Rock 'n' Roll - a full on four band bill at the good ole Corp! Okay, so I unfortunately missed the 1st band, Zero Wolf due to transport issues. Yes, I saw zero of them – excuse the really, really bad unoriginal pun. Luckily some buds were in already so I did hear they very much a Gothic Metal band a la Paradise lost or something like that.

One of their band members proposed to his girlfriend onstage as well – that's a first as far as I know at the Corporation unless I can be corrected otherwise. Steve Cooper kindly sorted some photos out for the review via his mobile so that's something at least. A Steel City trio who in their own words go under the style Gothic Doom and comprise of Ricardo (Guitar/Programming/Vocals, Mike Rafone (Bass) & Kirk Wells (Drums).
Set List: Bitter Fruit/Worlds Apart/Alaska/OverOcean/Tiny Giants/A Friend Like You.
Dead Blonde Stars were a tight together band who took a while to start up due to some sort of technical issues but when they did they were kind of like a darker and slower aggressive Pearl Jam meets Alter Bridge & Alice In Chains.

A Sheffield band that consists of Gary Walker (Lead Vocals/Guitar), Tom Gratton (Guitar), Oliver Thompson (Guitar/Vocals), Matt Simons (Bass/Vocals), Jamie Machon (Drums/Percussion).

They went down really well with a stand-out being the depressing sounding down-tuned 'Worlds Apart' that explodes and blossom with a really strong chorus that has impressive high harmonies. A pretty damn tight unit and definitely the Sheffield answer to all your grunge and alternate needs.

D.B.S. perform impressive honest songs that tackle topics that people often avoid in life like being let down or not being in a good place for whatever reason. The folk in here totally get them because not everyone's life is rosie all the time.
Set List: Into The Light/Last Stand/Fallen Saviour/Rise/Shield Wall.
Lowdrive were on fire as ever, being and way more up-tempo with their stoner rock of sorts that we've grown accustomed to and love hearing so much at many a venue in these 'ere parts.

This local gang never fail to impress. Frontman, Andy Sawf had the healthy handful of a crowd in the palm of his hands like the Sheffield blonde rock god that the man completely is. His stance has the presence that is needed to hypnotise those that are watching without the need for spells of any sort. The rest of the band is of completed by the incredible talents of John Hodgson (Guitar), Satio Von G (Bass) & Mat Washington (Drums) who like their frontman, never cease to astound us with their exceptional musicality!

It's only a short 5 song but at the same time strong set that grabs everyone immediately with the well-loved long-established Sabbath like rolling pounder that is 'Into The Light' and closing on new number 'Shield Wall' from their soon to be released forthcoming second album.

We are instantly clapping to the songs without the need to be asked in unison towards the end which really was an impressive spectacle to behold. If you can win over a Sheffield audience you are doing bloody well to say the least! To be honest, it's more like a family in here than simply a bunch of rock fans.

They nail it again, making them well and truly the stoner pioneers of Steel City!
Set List: Solid Ground Shaking/Turning Me Loose/No One Knows (QOTSA)/Ain't No Living/ Desert Song/Hallway Of A Thousand Eyes/Missed The Brake/Sinking Merry-Go-Round/Sweet Adeleine/Liquor Store/Whole Lotta Rosie (AC/DC).
When it came to Scream Of The Butterfly, we were not entirely sure what to expect which is a major reason I was wanting to check them out. They were a German bunch of cats (Berlin to be exact) who were a bit hard to understand up there when it came to the dialogue but completely made up for it on the song side.

The band line-up consists of Richard Hausmann (Lead Vocals, Keyboards), Gabriel Kaindl-Hönig (Guitar), Andrea Nacci (Drums) & Stephan Krohn (Bass/Backing Vocal). Genre-wise it was very Stonerish like rock that seemed to be heavily influenced by the early too mid 70's style and not too unlike bands such as Uriah Heep or Deep Purple with the stage flare to go with it as well.

It was cool to see that they had Hammond sounds from a keyboard and for authenticity they had a Leslie speaker on stage too so we received the correct spectrum of sound they were aiming to achieve.

Vocally. it was very high end to the point of interstellar with sonic vibrant guitar work from 2 guitars, not to mention great lighting as well. The ladies were even treated to the frontman getting his shirt off too, much to their liking.

Highlights of their time up there included the opening 'Solid Ground Shaking' that very much shook the room with its piercing piano striking and crunchy riff that times had an almost Doorsy 'n' Quo feel about it and the building and rousing bopper that is ' Ain't No Living'.

Later on we are greeted by the quirky towards indie rock of 'Hallway Of A Thousand Eyes'; the almost funk groove of 'Sinking Merry-Go-Round' and the full-on sup it down fastness of 'Liquor Store' with a AC/DC like riff there with the 'Butterfly coincidentally on purpose bringing the their show to an end with that said Australian bands classic 'Whole Lotta Rosie' which will always guarantee an energetic crowd of gargantuan effect no matter where it gets played.

We definitely need more bands of this ilk over here because these Germans totally show us how it should be done, giving off a tremendous performance that's fit for a stadium.
By Glenn Milligan