Rock And Blues Custom Show -
Coney Showground, Pentrich, Derbyshire -
Day 2 - Friday 30th July, 2021
Friday kicked off around 1.45pm outside with the welcome return of Mr. Badaxe and his on the bone filthy humour and brought on the 1st act to grace the weather wearing stage.

This was a mighty a trio going by the name of 'We Three Kings' made up of Rich (Vocals/Guitars); Pete (Drums) & Ben (Bass) who cured last nights hangovers or brought them back again who deliver us some fine fuzzed up rock. Now how cool does the Ben look on bass? Very is the answer.

Anyways, they were piping up straight away with thumping 'Sound Of The Radio' with other standouts including a ballsy one called The Barrel'; the fast pacing and very vibrant 'White Lighting' while finishing up on the stomping and gutsy 'Walk' that has a dirty bluesy stoner feel to it as well – pity about the rain but we are quite used to that now – it was relentless as well but we still stopped to watch regardless.

Next up on the same stage were the originally named Thrasonic, a quartet of rock n rollers made up of Harry Newton (Vocals/Acoustic Guitar/Trumpet), Paul Dennison (Electric Guitar), Joe Dawn (Bass Guitar/Backing Vocals) & Ben Hallam (Drums) who were well worth watching even though it decided to rain – well you can't do anything about that can you?

They gave us a strong ten song set that's full of blues 'n' stoner 70's groove like the opening 'Wolves'; the bluesiness of 'Joker Card' and the slipper stomping, racing paciness of 'That Sound' with it's almost indian quirky, echoing guitar, proglike solo-work that reminds me in a way of certain Focus number. Another cut worth noting was 'Gun In The Dark' that reminded me of a rather famous Ozzy era Black Sabbath number before rounding it off with some 'Freedom'. Good work guys!

Time up start up on the main stage in the tent right after Thrasonic, where 'The Hip Priests' have boundless energy especially their black eyed vocalist, Nathan Von Cruz. They have a ferocious and non-stop venomous audacity about them – kinda The Sex Pistols meets Motorhead - bassist, Lee Love even has a Rickenbacker complete with apt stickers too! Their line-up is completed by Guitarists, Austin Rocket & Gentle Ben plus the lightly named (not really!), D P Bomber on Drums.

They speed at us, blasting their bollocks off from the get-go with 'Survival Of The Shittest' – renewing that headache you recently lost from last nights too many mango ciders – hahaha – not to mention cool named cuts later like the fast 'n' stonerish 'Zero Fucks Given' or the nun-friendly 'Motherfucker Superior'. These guys definitely made their mark to say the least and proved to be an unforgettable force of human power.

On the outdoor stage, four piece, Naked Sunday (from the Midlands) prove their name is more than just a song by Alice In Chains. They are totally a killer band that comprises of Martin Stanyer (Lead Vocals), Laura Stanyer (Bass), Alex Williams (Lead Guitar) & Liam Collins (Drums)These rockers have it going down and no doubt impressed Badaxxe mentioning 'Screaming Lord Sutch' in their opener, 'Until The Crash' since he is from the same political party.

Later we get the spooky ballad 'Timeless' and the U2'esque 'Unbreakable'. They definitely did something right anyway since the heaven's sealed up for a while, even though they closed the set with 'Sunflowers In The Rain' – you simply cannot make that up!!

I have heard about the next band I got to witness for a good few months now since they have that rootin' tootin' southern rock styled metal which totally floats my boat all things swampy without the dangers of being eaten by alligators or bit by venomous Dixie found water snakes. 'Bootyard Bandits' are a damn fine deal who would fit right in if they played a backwoods bar in Florida, Alabama or Georgia – maybe even Texas Y'all!

They term themselves as 'Country Metal' from Wild West Worcester and they ain't too wrong either - firing it up on all BBQ coals with members CJ (Vocals, Guitar); Bamm Bamm (Drums); Joey Bones (Guitar); Big Mac (Banjo/Guitar) & Two Puds (Bass). They virtually turn the tent into a barn dance with a ton of fun-filled uplifting gritzy numbers fresh from the pot like the tongue in cheek 'Shirt Potatoes'; the sex needy 'Ladies Man' or 'MILF' that they opened with or current single 'Let's Rodeo'.

Every riff of each number is so infectious to the ears that you cannot help get addicted their sound and style. They get everyone going in here from the opening note and beat, even flinging hats to the crowd to show their appreciation when they were done! Cannot wait to see the 'Bandits again for sure! Here's to the next 'Hoedown,,,' People!

I managed to catch the last couple of numbers of Blue Nation outside in the elements who come from the land of Brum with the members being Neil Murdoch (Guitarist/Lead Vocals); Luke Weston (Bass/Backing Vocals) & Ben Brannelly (Drums). They enticed me quite a bit with their blue rock with hints of pysychedelic stoner sounds too.

Their final number was a really vibing moody tune that had really distortive bright build-ups with an excellent singalong chorus. I wished I had seen more of their set but what can you do when you get time clashes from one stage to another. I aim to see them fully when they come around on tour though since I feel I really missed out on something special, since they have a perfectly in the pocket nucleus in this musical unit.

Always great to see Trucker Diablo doing the rounds with their Southern Rock meets Hard Rock vibes from Northern Ireland and I hung around good while taking in their love of being back on the stage and the crowd totally getting into it. The gang are made up of Tom Harte (Vocals/Lead Guitar); Simon Haddock (Guitar/Backing Vocals); Jim McGurk (Bass/Backing Vocals) & Terry Crawford (Drums).

I have tot seen them since a big festival that took place in Sheffield who like there completely 'Set The Night On Fire' – well the afternoon in this case, proving that they were well and truly 'Still Alive', parting it up furtherly with 'Drink Beer Destroy' and more. It was marvellous to see plenty of Rebelness going down throughout. It all worked wonderful for both band 'n' crowd and everyone triumphed as a result.

Reenies Rockettes, or as Clive puts it our very own girls are a killer female dance troupe who are pretty local to say the least. I sadly missed them in 2019 due to being in the middle of interviews or time clashes with a band set on the outdoor stage but today was sure to catch them magnificently strutting their stuff to a nice helping of epic piped in rock tunes.

The choreographed routine was excellent and we were even treat to a second troupe as well. I bet there were a few envious in the crowd, wishing they were fit enough to do this and blokes a plenty that... errrrr more tea vicar.. hahaha....A big well done girls. This must have taken a good few months to nail and no doubt a few recent rehearsals to ensure all was good again after so much time away from one another.

Now here's an act that we were really intrigued by and interested in checking out on the outdoor stage who also happened to be the headliner as well. Rightly so too to be top of the bill because Mike Ross and his band, who are completed by Darren Lee (Drums) & Gaz Hunter (Bass) gave us some mouthwatering solid blues based rock that totally grabbed us immediately, nailing us to the spot.

They pumped it up with wailing greatness such as the opening 'Harp' and several other amazing songs like the delta groove of 'The Only Place You Ever Take Me Is Down'; the Black Crowe countriness of 'Ghost Hound Rider' the slow 'n' gutsy beating 'Don't Say A Word'. As a result of such a milestone of a set he sold quite a few CD's – in fact, I even bought 4 myself. I will definitely catch this cat and his band again for certain.

I manage to catch some of Wayward Sons: a solid band that feature on lead vocals, Toby Jepson of Little Angels fame on lead vocals and guitar although they personally don't do much for me but go down really well with the folk in the tent tonight. They come across more angsty than the 'Angels - each to their own though – we can't all like everything. It does seem a bit weird seeing the legendary rock frontman with short hair again.

As ever the 'Sons are completed by Sam Wood (Guitar); Nic Wastell (Bass) & Phil Martini (Drums) who are very together and totally tight throughout with one number reminding me of 'Up Our Sleeves' by Humble Pie. Highlights included the fast paced, energetic 'Big Day' and also 'Until The End that aptly is the last one from the band tonight. Mr. J vocally is in fine form as ever and that voice never seems to strain. Nice Job overall!

From the word go, The Wildhearts were in fine form and in a really good mood tonight. 'Diagnosis' opens the set with it's ballsy Status Quo meets MC5 feel to it. Throughout the show, Ginger was such a laugh and extremely talkative, telling us about the songs, asking who bought the last album and telling us they had a new one in the pipeline soon which is good to know.

They delved deep and even tease us with a new song that goes by the name of 'Splitter' – a realy brutal bastard of a thumping punker of a tune that matches their previous noisy and lovable output over the years. Of course they give us all the oldie but goodies in the set like 'I Wanna Go Where The People Go' that comes early on.

'TV Tan' comes later too & other gems like 'Vanilla Radio' and or the damn fine title that is 'My Baby Is A Headfuck' and other diamonds like 'Suckerpunch' & 'Mazel Tov Cocktail' to name but a couple. This really was a loud as f*ck party with these boys as the hosts and I think if they had their way it would have gone on right throught the night given a chance - it is 'Rock 'N' Roll' after all right?

It was fabulous to see Guitarist, CJ get to sing a song too, giving Ginger a short vocal break. I have to admit that I forget which one though – my bad! Answers on an email, via facebook or your own choice of social media – which will prove you read this review too - hahaha! Ritch Battersby is having the time of his life in that blue light on that drum kit and Bassist, Danny McCormack seems happy enough though I could tell at times that he was in pain at times which he confirmed later to me after the gig.

The dreadlocked frontman even gave some of the dudes at the back some grief saying, "We ain't going anywhere until you lazy c*nts move!" Now only Mr. Walls would get away with that. It truly was hilarious! He's a cocksure 'C U Next Tuesday' at times with 100% confidence too!

I must add that the sound quality was exceptional but I could have done without the overly orange and pink lighting early on. That gripe aside, this show was of a supreme standard and I am really tempted to go see them again in the near future! The Wildhearts were an impressive climax to Friday's musical spectacle!
Review & Photographs
by Glenn Milligan