Red Spektor – Heart Of The Renewed Sun
(Kozmik Artifactz – 2020)

A Stoner Rock Trio from Stoke-On-Trent who come across like the soundtrack to a late 60's/early 70's horror or sci-fi b-movie with their echoing crangy guitars, wailing long-holding vocals and crunchy, boxy drum sounds.
There are elements throughout the album of artists like Jimi Hendrix, Blue Cheer and at times The Doors without the organ riffs of Ray that are blended into more recent space-rock sounds of similar acts around today.
Highlights include the unnervingly heavy but light at the same time 'Masquerade' the opening ballsiness of 'Warflower' or 'Long Way Down with the phasing effects and bluesy riffs that has a 'Buick Mackane' (T-Rex) feel to it on the chorus.
A desirable listen!
By Glenn Milligan