Light Among Shadows - Under The Waves
(S/R – 2018)

No it doesn't mean that Cliff Richard and Hank Marvin have patched up their differences. Light among Shadows is the name of a far from patchy and the not entirely different entirely incredible melodic metal outfit from Spain.
Nudged on their way by influences such as Kamelot, Rhapsody and Edguy, and a special injection of their own in singer Maria Barragan, they make this masterpiece using very hand cut tools. Strong loud sonorous choruses, such as which we are gifted through 'A Frozen Heart', 'The Loneliest Road', 'Deep Blue Sea Under the Waves', 'Winter Of The World', 'Into The Storm' and epic three-part closer 'Blood and Thunder' rule if not dominate this album from the moment you gently touch start Maria's tones make a healthy Helloween-tutored swoop at some of the upper tempo numbers, sending up impressive echoes of the keeper of the seven keys classics) whereas leaves in the wind see her work her magic as much as a chanteuse of ballads.
Some drool-worthy shredding from guitarist Adrien Fowl with just a fine zest of Iron Maiden and some fantastic sustains slide into all the great places in and around, taking in a welcome assortment of trad, thrash and hard rock rhythms, without any sounding the least note sewn on - not something I hear that many bands of this type achieve. Versatile in parts play classy in the others, Light Among Shadows seal the deal with their own shiny silk musical ribbons and when you undo the ribbon on this one you will have to look away. Or is that 'listen away'. Or more applicable, BUY AWAY.
By Dave Attrill
HUGELY RECOMMENDED IF YOU LIKE: Avanstasia, Kiske/Somerville, Evanescence & Nightwish.