Knight Errant – Divan
(Atlantis Muzik - 2005)

A Folk Metal band from Istanbul, Turkey who were good enough to send us their albums to check out – which on 1st listen to this, am so glad they did. They've been around for 27 years too – how did we miss them?
So anyway, if you are wondering, a 'Divan' according to Wikipedia 'is a piece of couch-like sitting furniture or, in some countries, a box-spring based bed. Primarily, in the Middle East, a divan was a long seat formed of a mattress laid against the side of the room, upon the floor or upon a raised structure or frame, with cushions to lean against'.
There are elements of bands like Sparks, Rush and Jethro Tull that are meshed in with authentic Turkish sounds from various pipes and violins plus a good helping of Heavy Metal that on occasions linger towards Malmsteen and Maiden. Some outstanding stuff here with good examples being the opening instrumental 'Paradise Regained'; 'Lights And Shadows' with its galloping riffs a la Steve Harris topped off with quirky high vocals and gravelly throat ones in comparison too or the words of wisdom'ness of Civil Terror Us'.
Then there's the pipe-led fast paced 'Revolution' and 'Kill The Cop In Your Head' that grabs me especially due to that amazing prodding, firing it up brightly riffed instrumental section and the closing 'Anka' with its racing drumwork and Yngwie toned solo.
Majestic Marvellousness!
By Glenn Milligan