Hot Rockets – We Have Ignition (E.P.)
(Nunny Dave Records - 2019)

A North Yorkshire trio that remind me of The Wildhearts meets the late 70's punk era who consist of the three Rockets in Steve (Guitar/Vocal), Heath (Bass) and Paul (Drums).
It's pretty heavy duty with raw vocals on this 6 tracker and notable tracks on here are the very singalong-like 'See You Fall' with a cool melodic riff to it; the humourously titled 'Head Full Of Cartoons' with the snarly, narly lyrics that gets a thumbs up early on for mentioning Scooby Doo!
Then there's the purely honest cut that is 'Life's Like Clockwork' basically saying that is how our time on the earth is before we die – simplistic but purely genius too. Big credit also goes to Gary Pennick too who has done a fantastic job recording these take no bullsh*t Oi Oi Monsters! Bet they are f*ck*n' great live as well, not to mention heaps of fun!
Cut holes in your speakers and crank 'em high!
By Glenn Milligan