DUCS – Disillusion
(Timezone Records - 2016)
This US based German threesome began life as 'Down Under City Surfers' before reducing the misleading moniker to its acronym for album sleeve usage.
Seriously fuelled by nineties/noughties names aplenty, Christian (guitar/vox) plus brothers Malte (bass) and Soren (drums) somehow manage to muster a strutty eighties feel to numbers such as second track 'Sorrow' and the almost Blondie-like chorus of 'Not a Test' before a closing screamcore attack unwelcomely steps in. Nifty, indie flavoured tunes such as 'Out of My Head' display a lot more of what this band seen to be about but bouncing back with upbeat rocker 'Set The Fire' only just serves to send the needle back the other way again.
Grinding contemporary rock cuts such as 'Los Locos' and 'Insane' are heavy on guitar but as generous on chorus, the latter with a industrial leaning triple-beat intensity - not to mention a distinctive Marilyn Manson plagiarism at the end. Dynamic, user-friendly, creative stuff would sound the best interpretation of this outgoing threesome's tag if I were to suggest a change.
Try this one today and little disillusionment will result.
By Dave Attrill