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Deep Purple – Whoosh!

(earMusic - 2020)

Deep Purple - Whoosh!USE.jpg

There must have been an alignment of the planets to allowed me an opportunity to review the latest release by Deep Purple.

As most people know they are one of my favorite bands; those that do not know, do now. Listening to Machine Head in a childhood friend’s bedroom ( after swiping it from an older sibling) exposed me to something new and wonderful and caused me to shelve my Bay City Rollers and Kiss albums for the foreseeable future.

Whoosh, released on August 7th, owes its clean, magnificent, production to legendary producer, Bob Ezrin; whose magic can also be found on such infamous recordings: Destroyer ( KISS), Welcome to My Nightmare ( Alice Cooper) as well as other notable artists; (Pink Floyd, Catherine Wheel, Lou Reed and Aerosmith.)

Whoosh introduces itself with 'Throw My Bones' a combination of a throwback to the early psychedelic version of the band, yet, perfectly comfortable in 2020. In fact, much of the album could safely find its place on classic Deep Purple releases.

As with any rock album, there must be a power ballad and Whoosh is no different. 'Nothing At All' is in no means typical; the elegant relationship between guitar and keyboard weaves through the track and creates the soul of this ballad.

There is an assortment of noteworthy mentions, however there are also those that stand out for being unique. “What the What” a rockabilly ditty with a 1950's boogie woogie Jerry Lee Lewis piano flair and a Chuck Berry twist but with Ian Gillan making these sounds his own.

The ultra-bluesy 'The Long Way Around' will have your foot thumping and your volume raised. 'Man Alive' is a 5 ½ minute epic 1970's jam that would have taken up a large portion of a vinyl side. It is esoteric, vocal synthesized, and worthy of becoming part of a film soundtrack.

I listened to Whoosh several times, not only because I do this as a requirement for properly providing me with writing inspiration, but also because this is Deep Purple. As a treat for me, and many long time Deep Purple fans, the band chose to revisit a classic and added it as a bonus track. 'And the Address', originally on the 1968 'Shades Of Deep Purple' is a piece of history.


While I appreciate the talented Steve Morse, I miss Richie Blackmore’s string bending, technically brilliant work and the haunting keyboard of the late Jon Lord. I applaud the band for honoring their history and their roots.

'Whoosh!' is brilliant, 'Whoosh!' is legendary, 'Whoosh!' is different, and 'Whoosh!' is Deep Purple!!



By Dawn Belotti

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