Daze Of Grace - Rumours Of Glory
(S/R - 2017)

Daze of Grace are a Mum/Dad/Son combo who have been cracking tunes out for fourteen years already at the time we here at Metalliville mount their saddle.
Loose, amiable acoustic-electric folk rock obviously has a firm root in their background with three albums including this latest under their belt. Having been forced to rerecord their first efforts after the loss of their original tapes, some evidence of the apparent act of God echoes through right here in 2017 as you listen to lovely songs such as 'Writing's On The Wall', 'In The Garden', 'Burning Bush', 'House Of Cards' and 'Slow Train' amongst the best of them.
Guitarist, Jubal Routley runs through a huge catalogue of inspirations, spanning across from Alter Bridge to U2 and Hendrix as he holds together the graceful voice of singer Sharon and drummer Warren with a wistful fluid. Mellow notes for mellow afternoons, with a repeat-friendly play length of just under half an hour, 'R.O.G.' is more haze then daze but its it's going to be a hugely overlong summer once you've had this on a few times.
With Sharon's contribution causing them to reminisce Sonic Youth and the Cranberries at times, its rightfulness on a metal reviews sight will set chins a-scratch but it's still a winner with its slick seventies attitude.
By Dave Attrill