Bloodrust - Burning of Aeons
(S/R – 2020)

Of all places I expected there to be a metal scene in the least, let alone a thrash act, the Falklands took the biscuit.
Bloodrust, back after an apparent hiatus of some years seem to know where the influences lie across the seas around them. Bringing together the best of British and old school US speed brutality, their seven-track debut album shreds and rages in the manner that those metal-thirsty of us will find the most refreshing.
Grippy entries such as 'Jackal' the slightly topical 'Novichok', 'Once Called Brother' and 'In Blood I Dream' have already garners them a renewed rep as well as a spot of airplay on local waves. Sharp chuggy twin guitars with a stout Sepultura-esque roar from frontman Richard Keenahan constantly vibrate forth a noise never likely to go away and when it does, it just delights in resurfacing somewhere else, defiantly as always.
Hopefully we won't be left waiting Aeons for the next from these lads.
By Dave Attrill
RECOMMENDED IF YOU LIKE: Slayer, Morbid Angel, Metallica &Testament.