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Black Star Furies – Vamp In Paradise
(S/R – 2016)
Straight away I am thinking Murderdolls & Wednesday 13 when it comes to this trio in sound and partly looks too, who horror it up from Milano, Italy.
Songs that really grabbed me were ‘Shirley’ whose mum is a whore; the sexiness of ‘69’; the Sunset Strip reminiscing on ‘L.A. 81’; the killer riffed ‘Falling Down’ and the ballad that is ‘Religion’ with its great guitar soloing.
Then there’s ‘Liz’ with it’s Kiss’ ‘War Machine’ like licks or their brilliant rendition of the FGTH hit ‘Relax’. File next to those mentioned as well as 69 Eyes and Backyard Babies.
Good Band!
By Glenn Milligan

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