Athmossmusic - Music Box -
The Tragic Story Of Arabella Jones
(S/R – 2018)

Part German/Swedish based trio, Athmossmusic are remarkable, alongside their output, for never having all grouped up in person except for the filming of a promo video for a single three years ago.
Helmed by vocalist and main innovationist, Imre Meszaros this hefty eight track conceptual piece is their first full length offering and frighteningly short at only 47 minutes. Opening epic 'Lost Love' with its multi-shifting tempo is a magnificent prog number while 'Little Music Box' moves from a high octane rocker to a smooth solo sustain from guitarist, Slinky Bosnyak to cap off by which time any Petrucci inspirations have well and truly been pressed in the cement. That said, having Imre's brother, Sandor's super tight stickswork to adhere to, you would not be advised to mess around.
Tinny as it sounds, his beats come sharp and short with a blink and-you-missed-it sound. 'Turn Back Time' has to be my favourite (not a Cher cover in case you're worried). This ballad packs in everything, with a huge tip to British prog names of the last two decades or so. Elsewhere to pick from, 'Nothing Left To Lose' starts with a keyboard lead-in likened precariously to Magnum's 'Sacred Hour' while the sombre lyrical element sweeps you totally away to the right. Definitely an outfit to pay attention to, Athmossmusic give us a tour over everything that is still good about prog and leave just about all the less desirable bits out as well.
Large musicianship and structures by all three accounts for a wonderfully Athmoss-pheric experience overall.
By Dave Attrill
RECOMMENDED IF YOU LIKE: IQ, Threshold, Dream Theater & Asia.