Animal House - Living In Black And White
(Punishment 18 Records – 2021)

Italy's going to need tying down to stop their tidal wave of melodic metal talent if this persists too much.
Animal House are another band making an instant even if familiar splash on the scene. Some pleasantly Priest-shaped playing and rhythms pound up and down through tracks like the triple-beat of 'Ghost of the Loneliest Man' while others including 'The Man From Nowhere' and 'Eyes Of Revenge' attack at warp speed in the shape of native legends Rhapsody of Fire - quite (un)coincidentally the latter sees Rhapsody's very own Roberto de Micheli guesting.
'The Only Way To Live' should please fans of the classic Megadeth sound with it's slow but razory stamp whereas the title track is a tantalising ballad that soothes the ear at the album's halfway point. Singer, Antonio Boscari applies a fine throat to the top of the triple axe line up, with lead solos enjoying a sharp ear popping production.
With a plausible variety of paces and speeds as opposed to just one throughout the whole long player, Animal House's album is not quite one of black and white, as one with quite a few splashes of colour thrown in.
Nice work in all departments, lads.
By Dave Attrill
HIGHLY RECOMMENDED IF YOU LIKE: Primal Fear, Gamma Ray, Accept & Edguy