Aelita Red – S/T
(Velvet Moron Records – 2017)

Now when a CD starts with a bonging clock (Introduction) that goes on for a while and it ain't a Pink Floyd song you really wonder what you are getting your ears into...
This is an album of quasi-mystical quality that has nothing but instrumental paths and journeys into the unknown that is totally perfect for a soundtrack of a fantasy film or one of those spacious nature programmes that you see now and again about deep sea life and vast amazon jungles. Avante-Guarde but not in the unlistenable matter at all.
It's a project by a guy called Dave White (from Rotherham, UK) who is actually a Roadie/Guitar Technician (one of those unknown folk on stage setting things up before the band comes on). He set up a few ground rules of what he could do and not do for the project and yes, plays it all himself – Guitars, Bass, Lap-Steel, Drums, Percussion & also Drum Programming and all in all took 13 months to do.
Love the weightless and heavy-laden 'Sonder: Une Sequence D'Elaboration'; the bizarreness of the epic 7 minute plus 'Heir To The Continent' or the light bass riffing to be found in 'Iskra' with it's spoken-word in the background
It's spaced out, psyche-out and is what it is...
By Glenn Milligan