1Q24 – Twelve Monkeys (E.P.)
(S/R - 2020)
A band who dropped us a few lines and sent me their E.P. all the way from Bangkok, Thailand and play a style known as Vegan Metal – a genre I heard of a couple of decades ago.
It's a very melodic three-tracker that is slow, fast, hard, heavy as well as being soft and quiet in parts too. Basically plenty here to get your ears around in the trio of musical madness that this quartet provides for us with all profits going to the Vegan Foundation (of Thailand).
It's unsettling as it's so realistic when it comes to subject matter since the title track 'Twelve Monkeys' concerns wiping out the human race with a virus which is too close to comfort for us all right now whilst 'War Horses' looks at humans being killed off in bloody battles and even quoting 'Passchendaele' whereas the closing cut 'Schrodinger's Cat' analyzes being alive or dead after some sort of nuclear happening and should we go outside or not.
All too close for comfort but that's 2020 for ya right?
By Glenn Milligan