10 Code – Ride
(S/R – 2020)

Like most countries across the mainland, if not the entire globe, Greece haven't let the pandemic mow their musical grass completely flat.
10 Code having already seen two EP's and a debut album past the door, this angsty Athens foursome ay down quite a gauntlet with their follow up. Sticking down driving doom-meets-grunge guitar bases that bounce and pound the floor in nearly all directions available gives them a slick accessibility to fans, across the 90s to the current day.
All of the eight tracks making up the disc are decorated by singer Petros's Chris Cornell tone which at times such as 'Let Go', 'Ride', 'All On Me' and 'I Rule The World' has you wondering which band you've actually got playing.
Great, whirly rhythms and classic modern gusto make 10 Code's style a ride worth getting in the queue for... and more than once.
By Dave Attrill
RECOMMENDED IF YOU LIKE: Stone Temple Pilots, Soundgarden, Corrosion Of Conformity & Black Sabbath